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 Status For All Rally 

 Sept 24, 2023 

 Hosted by the Migrant Action Centre 

  Scroll down for a digital action! 

The Social Justice Co-op NL  believes in a world without borders. 


We are imagining and working toward a Revolution of Care, a future that puts care at the core of social organization, instead of profit. 


We dream of a future where the destruction of thriving ecosystems for profit is brought to and end, 


where everyone's needs are met, 


and everyone's dignity is respected, 


everyone's value is celebrated. 


Where colonial, capitalist governments no longer decide who is worthy of rights, services, or protections. 


We know this future is possible and is coming because people, 


particularly Indigenous, Black, Brown, Queer, Trans, Poor, 

Disabled, and Migrant


feminists & abolitionist dreamers, organizers, and activists 


have been fighting and working for generations to bring it into being.


Citizenship is a category that exists only to exclude, and reinforce the power of a colonial, capitalist state. 


It renders people who do not have it: 


excruciatingly vulnerable to brutally harsh exploitation by employers, 


without access to medical care, and other essential services,


vulnerable to detention and deportation, 


The precarity a lack of status forces people into means that it is scarier 


and riskier for them to raise their voice against the inhumane treatment that is commonplace among people who are denied status. 


That is why it’s so important that we raise our collective voice, to speak up for people’s humanity and dignity. There is safety in numbers, and it is often unsafe for migrants to raise their voice and speak up for their rights alone. 


We must all join the call for Status For All, until none of our neighbours are forced to live without it. 


Last fall, the SJC attended a meeting with the Migrant Action Centre, Anti Racism Coalition NL, and the Worker Action Network with Minister Seamus O’Regan.


He told us he was in favor of Status for All and that he would advocate for it in cabinet. He asked us to hold his feet to the fire on Status for All. 

And so we humbly ask for your help in doing so! 

Could you email Minister Seamus O'Regan? 

His email is: 


Ask him for an update on his efforts to advocate for Status for All in cabinet. Ask him if we can count on seeing the federal government move forward with Status for All, and when he expects this to unfold. 

Go to for a template email,

which you're welcome to use in full or part. 


And then, 


Join the Migrant Rights Network's federal call at

Thank you all for taking action!


And let’s keep the energy and fight going all week, all year long.


Let’s keep it going until we win Status for All! 

 Migrant Justice Week 

Hosted by the Migrant Action Centre

 Sept 24 - Oct 1, 2023 

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PO Box 7283
St. John's, NL
A1E 3Y5

We respectfully acknowledge the land on which we gather as the ancestral homelands of the Beothuk, whose culture has been lost forever and can never be recovered. We also acknowledge the island of Ktaqmkuk (Newfoundland) as the unceded, traditional territory of the Beothuk and the Mi'kmaq. And we acknowledge Labrador as the traditional and ancestral homelands of the Innu of Nitassinan, Inuit of Nunatsiavut, and Inuit of NunatuKavut. We recognize all First Peoples who were here before us, those who live with us now, and the seven generations to come. As First Peoples have done since time immemorial, we strive to be responsible stewards of the land and to respect the cultures, ceremonies, and traditions of all who call it home. As we open our hearts and minds to the past, we commit ourselves to working in a spirit of truth and reconciliation to make a better future for all.

(Borrowed with gratitude from First Light)

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